A variety of pests may be naturally controlled using baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate. But how well it works and which pest it targets are two separate factors. A few ways to utilize baking soda for pest control are as follows:
1. Pest cockroaches
Cockroaches will be drawn to a combination of baking soda and a tiny bit of sugar.
Put the mixture on the ground in the locations where you’ve found cockroaches or where they’ve been hiding.
The cockroaches’ internal water causes the baking soda to react, leading to their internal swelling and eventual death.
2. Stick insects:
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Mix equal parts baking soda and vinegar to make a pest deterrent against centipedes.
After the baking soda, pour around two cups of vinegar down the drain.
Centipedes may perish from the carbon dioxide (CO2) that this combination creates.
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