If you have a gas stove at home, you will surely find this excellent YouTube trick very useful, thanks to which the burners will remain clean and shiny even after years!
Simply clean them regularly with a baking soda solution and finish cleaning with toothpaste.
Steps to follow:
First, remove the grates and burners from the stove.
Place the burners in a pot and cover them with hot water until they are completely submerged.
Add a tablespoon of baking soda.
Get ready, because the baking soda will start to foam.
When the foam reduces, remove the burners from the pot.
Apply some toothpaste to an abrasive cloth.
Scrub and clean each burner thoroughly.
This process is quite simple.
The burners will shine like new.
Second method:
In every home, washing powder is known for its effectiveness in cleaning, tested by generations of mothers and grandmothers.
Many swear by its effects even today.
However, you might be surprised to know that this common soap can also clean dirty and greasy stove burners.
They will literally shine like new, you just need to know this old proven recipe.
Recipe to easily clean gas stove burners:
The best thing is that this method is completely gentle and will help you avoid scratches and stains.
You will need: 1/4 washing powder Hot water 1 cup white vinegar
Steps to follow:
Grate 1/4 of washing powder and place it in a container.
Boil water and add the grated soap.
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