How to Grow and Care for Spider Plant


5. Fertilizing Spider Plants
The best fertilizer for your spider plants is an all-purpose, water soluble one.

You can also use fish emulsion but be careful not to overdo it as this could cause browning of leaf tips on the plant which are a sign that too much has been used.

6. Repotting a Large Spider Plant
The process for repotting a spider plant is extremely easy and straightforward. Simply remove the original pot, rinse off any dirt or residue from it with water, being careful not to damage them too much during this step.

Next, you want to trim away at some of their roots, which will make room in your new container. Then, your plant is ready to be transplanted. (make sure your new container has many drainage holes)

Common Problems of Spider Plant
Spider plants are low maintenance, but pests can still plague them.

These common problems with these arachnids include:

1.Aphids – tiny insects that suck up fluids from plant roots causing them to wilt and die. Underneath the leaves of your spider plant, you may find scales or aphids.

Use a cotton swab dipped in alcohol and apply it onto those areas for scratching off any unwanted guests that may be present on it; spraying neem oil will also do the trick when dealing with an infestation.

2. Tip Burn – One of the most common problems that you will come across when growing spider plants is tip burn.

This usually happens because there’s low humidity or your soil isn’t wet enough to keep roots happy, and it can also happen from using chlorinated tap water.

To avoid this issue altogether just cut away brown tips as soon they appear so only healthy green leaves remain.

3. Mealybug – Moth infestation is common in indoor plants.

Like with the aphids, mealy bugs can be treated by spraying them with neem oil or insecticidal soap and checking nearby plants to see if pests may have migrated there too.

Health Benefits of Spider Plants
1. Purifies Indoor Air
Spider plants not only help purify the air, but they’re also an excellent decorative addition to any space. Did you know that growing spider plants indoors can remove harmful chemicals from your home?

In fact, NASA considers them among one of three top houseplants for effectively cleaning up indoor environments!

2. Helps Patients To Recover more Easily
Spider plants are a great way to help speed up your favorite surgical patient’s recovery rate!

It was also found that those patients with spider plants in their room required less medication than the ones without them.

3. Increase humidity
It’s amazing to think that the spider plant helps improve humidity and reduce airborne diseases, but it really does.

The high transpiration rate means they absorb water through their roots, in order for moisture circulation throughout your entire house!