3. Vittatum Spider Plant
The Vittatum Spider Plant is a great choice for anyone who wants their indoor plants to have an extra element of elegance.
This variety has broad white stripes on medium green leaves and can be hung from ceilings, walls or plant stands with ease!
4. Varriegatum Spider Plant
Known as reverse variegated, this spider plant is also a popular variety.
The dark green stripes with white edges make it look truly attractive and can be used for decoration at home!
Growing Spider Plants Indoors
It’s easy to grow spider plants as long as you know the right way of caring for them.
These tough, durable plants can withstand abuse and make a great choice for first-time gardeners because they are not fussy about soil conditions or watering.
1. Use well-drained Soil
Spider plants are one of the most popular houseplants because they require minimal care and attention. One way to help keep these plants healthy is by providing them with well-drained soil that drains quickly from your potting bench or garden center shelf.
Look for a general purpose potting mix formulated specifically for plant growth,
2. Plant in a Pot With Drainage Holes
Spider plants need a pot that has many drainage holes to allow for growth.
They also prefer being slightly root bound, so be sure the size of your container is about 2 inches bigger than what you would usually use.
3. Place under Bright, Indirect Sunlight
Spider plants are a type of plant that can tolerate just about any condition.
They need bright, indirect light to flourish so one important thing you should do for their care in your home is make sure they have an ideal temperature above 50 degrees Fahrenheit and moderate humidity which will help them grow well!
4. Rotate the Placement Regularly
The spider plant can be placed in just about any area of your home, even if it is a room that only receives artificial lights.
However, the best way to keep this beautiful and unique plant alive long-term is by periodically rotating where you place them so both sides are exposed each day!
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