I became it differently,” recalled the 67-year-old actress in the columns of Nice-Matin this Monday, August 5.
“And as I became more aware, I understood that if I had not experienced this at 22, I might not have developed this love for others,” said the artist who took refuge in Buddhism and adopted a young Tibetan woman named Migmar.
“It’s like a meteorite falling on you, it creates an urgency in you, a new openness, and you receive what others did not dare to give before, necessarily.
Like a vortex of love, that we want to redistribute,” added the one who created the association Graines d’Avenir in 2005, to support Tibetan children in exile in addition to being the patron of the association Rêves de Gosses since 2002.
“Thanks to my roles, like that of Joëlle Mazart in ‘Pause café’, which taught me a lot, I received a lot of messages of thanks from people that this series had helped,” rejoiced Véronique Jannot.
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