Cleaning the toilet: Remove black from the bottom of the toilet with grandma’s tip!


The basic ingredients are lemon, vinegar and baking powder. These 3 elements are perfect for disinfecting the parts where bacteria hide.

In fact, with baking soda, lemon and even hydrogen peroxide it is possible to make a mixture capable of removing black from the toilet floor;. Mix 30 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide, 100 grams of baking soda and lemon juice in a little water. Then stir until a little foam forms. Simply let the result sit in the toilet for 20 minutes and then simply flush the toilet.

To use baking powder and vinegar, you must mix 30 milliliters of white vinegar with 3 tablespoons of baking powder. Then moisten a sponge with the foamy mixture you have just made and rub well on the ceramic. It is important to let the product sit on the ceramic for a few minutes and then rinse it. This mixture is perfect for removing yellow rings and limescale deposits from toilets.

clean oilette: how to remove limescale deposits
Limescale deposits can also form in toilets. To descale it as best as possible, you need the following ingredients:

200 coarse salt
300 ml vinegar
200 gr baking powder
Before mixing the ingredients, be careful not to exceed the doses. Indeed, once combined, they produce a lot of foam, which can cause bubbles to form on the floor.

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