Thinking about this, I decided to check the operation of our meter myself. I did it in a simple way: I remembered the last digit of the meter, poured three liters of water into a jar and checked the changes. The meter worked perfectly.
However, I noticed that we have very high water pressure in our apartment, which is why the flow rate was higher than necessary. I decided to reduce it a little by closing the taps by half. This did not affect our lifestyle in any way, except that the water in the bathroom began to fill a little more slowly.
A month has passed and we were able to reduce our consumption to 37 cubic meters of water, which is still a lot, but already better than the previous result. I continue to look for ways to save up to 5 cubic meters per person, although I was told that partially closing the ball valves can accelerate their wear. But I’m not sure yet.
I’d be interested to hear about your experience. What’s your average water consumption per person? Share in the comments.