Aged 29, Margaux Thibaut, Laeticia Hallyday's little sister, announced on her Instagram page that she was expecting her very first child. This is excellent news to which Joy Hallyday, her niece, reacted in particular.
In the Boudou family, everyone knows André, Laeticia Hallyday's father, who had a relationship that was both strong and conflictual with his son-in-law, Johnny Hallyday. The fans of the Boss also know Grégory Boudou, Laeticia Hallyday's little brother, to whom she is very close.
He was the one Johnny had appointed as executor of his will, a choice that had created a huge controversy, especially since their relationship has not always been cordial. Laeticia Hallyday, who is only one year older than her little brother, has always had a close relationship with him.
After Laeticia and Grégory, Françoise Thibaut, André Boudou's ex-wife, had rebuilt her life and given birth to a daughter, Margaux. Despite their twenty-year age gap, Laeticia Hallyday and her little sister have always had a very beautiful relationship, as evidenced by the many declarations of love they have made to each other over the years, on social networks. "You succeed in everything you undertake, you never give up, you are so talented and you are my sister. I hope you will never stop hugging me every time you leave a room. I love you", wrote the widow of the Taulier on Instagram, for Margaux's birthday a few years ago.
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