Despite my best efforts, no one noticed that the mask I made myself reduced wrinkles and spots.


Aspirin and lemon, when combined in a homemade skin cream, have many beneficial effects due to their natural components. Aspirin, whose chemical name is acetylsalicylic acid, has anti-inflammatory and exfoliating properties that help reduce the appearance of fine lines, crow's feet, and other skin imperfections. But lemon, which is rich in citric acid and vitamin C, is known to lighten skin tone and help fade black spots. Lemon can make skin more vulnerable to UV radiation, so it's important to be cautious when applying DIY treatments to sensitive skin or when you're outside in the sun.
For detailed instructions on how to make and use this aspirin lemon cream recipe, click here:
What you need:
three aspirin tablets
a squeeze of a lemon
For ingredients and full cooking instructions, please click Read More
To make the aspirin powder, crush the pills using a mortar or the back of a spoon until finely ground.
Incorporate lemon juice: After extracting the juice from a squeezed lemon, combine it with the crushed aspirin and mix until you get a lump-free paste.
Practical use:

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