A mechanic explains why he never buys a car with an automatic transmission.


A mountain road
For me, who lives in the mountains with their winding and steep roads, Fabien advises against the automatic transmission.


Because it no longer knows where it is and is constantly changing gear.

Here, the human brain is smarter than a machine!

It knows whether it makes sense to shift up or down.

As I drive this route several times a day, this forced operation would damage an automatic transmission.

What are the disadvantages of the manual transmission?

the manual transmission is more tiring
An old manual transmission with a tired smiley
If you are my age or older, you have probably learned to drive with a manual transmission.

You have to know how to coordinate the movement of your left foot with that of your right hand to change gear.

And that is the whole problem.

Each gear change requires several movements to be made simultaneously.

Unlike the automatic transmission, which is very easy because it controls everything itself.

These gestures are tiring and require movement coordination and special attention.

This can be confusing for beginners or older people.

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