“Cinnamon: 5 good reasons to use this delicious spice in your garden.”


We love the delicious taste of cinnamon in cakes and desserts, as it wonderfully enhances the taste of apple pie, rice pudding or even savory brioche. We also know that it can find a place in our medicine cabinet to make our own home remedies, thanks to its soothing softness and its antibacterial and antiviral properties. But often what we know less is that its versatility also allows it to find all its usefulness in our gardens. So if you are curious about what it has to offer in this field, here are 6 uses of cinnamon in the garden that will make it essential in your green spaces.

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Repels mosquitoes: If you like the smell of cinnamon, keep in mind that this does not apply to mosquitoes, who prefer to stay away. You can spread it on your terrace and around your garden to keep them away.

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