Yes, the Jade tree attracts wealth and positive energy into your home!


In addition to decorating interiors wonderfully, plants are very good air purifiers; it is good to have them both indoors and outdoors. Some are even known to attract luck, money and prosperity like the Crassula ovata also called the Jade tree.

What is Jade Plant?

Crassula ovata or Jade plant is a plant with small pink or white flowers. It is a plant native to South Africa, which is quite popular worldwide as a houseplant. Its leaves are 3 to 9 cm long and 2 to 4 cm wide, they have an oval to elliptical shape, often with a red edge and a slightly pointed end. The leaves of this plant can grow for many years without flowering.

How to maintain the Jade plant?

Crassula ovata plants are ideal for indoors as they tolerate dry conditions and can survive neglect. However, cleanliness is important for the health and appearance of this plant. All dead leaves and stems should be removed regularly, and care should also be taken to clean the leaves of the plant monthly with room temperature water. The Jade plant needs bright light, its ideal location would be on a sunny windowsill, it is a plant that grows in full sun to partial shade, but will flower best in a sunny position.

The watering rule for this plant is quite complex, little in winter and often in summer. Therefore, it is necessary to water regularly and abundantly in spring and summer, but without overdoing it.

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