So we can recycle it and obtain important benefits without damaging the device at all. Let’s see what this quick and easy method consists of.
Creation of a DIY antenna
You understood correctly, it is possible to create an antenna in a few steps, taking advantage of the tutorial available on YouTube. The images are so complete that it is not necessary to provide further explanations.
It really only takes a few minutes and very little material, which can be found in any hardware or electronics store.
The first step is to take a can of tuna or any other food with a similar container and above all, of the same material. We empty it and wash it carefully after removing the lid with the tab: the latter should not be thrown away but set aside because we will need it in a moment.
In these first steps,
it is important to be careful not to cut yourself. After washing and drying the box well, we mark with the felt the central point of the lower part and then drill a hole.
Once we have the hole, we can take an adapter and insert it, then screw the nut on the part that protrudes and tighten it well.
We now take a 10 centimeter antenna cable and cut both ends of the plastic sheath to reveal the internal filaments. One end must be connected to the adapter inserted in the center of the box, inside.
We now take the remaining length of the antenna cable and screw the appropriate adapters and then connect the two ends respectively to the one inserted in the box (outside) and to the input that is usually behind the TV.
We conclude with the last step, that is, we take the tab that we removed earlier and fix it inside the box, where the adapter will be with a piece of antenna cable. Once this is done, we will have our very original and inexpensive DIY antenna, and as you can see in the YouTube video, the TV receives the signal perfectly when connected, while it turns off when we remove the antenna from the box. Incredible! No expensive intervention and no effort.